Gallery 85, New York City, 2024
Exhibitions and Rotations
Generate higher returns from commercial spaces.
If the aim is to bring about a lot of new foot traffic or enhance tenant-guest-resident-employee experience by showing new art on a scheduled basis, we can rotate and refresh the display every few months with different spirited themes. Our team works with you to set the cadence and style, and then secure the ideal artworks for your business needs.
Achieving an effective integration of art into commercial settings requires not only devising a cohesive atmosphere with a consistent theme, but also the incorporation of other key aspects in choosing the right works.
Align art with the company’s identity to reinforce brand values
Cater to the varied tastes of employees, clients, and visitors to ensure broad appeal
Be mindful of the cultural sensitivities and strategic priorities
Select art that remains relevant and engaging for the duration
Curatorial Direction
Pete Ryan, Society of Illustrator, 2024
Scope of Work
Our comprehensive approach delivers successful results because we coordinate the rotations without disruption to client’s regular business operations and provide innovative ways to expand reach significantly.
QR codes on placards for each artwork go to a web page with videos and other relevant data
Media Services offer a suite of options and social media marketing programming
In-house legal experts manage artist contracts
Logistics team oversees all steps from start to finish